Sunday, October 23, 2016

Uploading your Raw DNA Data to Gedmatch

I've been meaning to write about this one for the longest because it is VERY IMPORTANT! Gedmatch is a tool that you can upload your raw data from Ancestry, 23andme, and/or familytreedna...and a few others. The reason that this is important is because you can find family matches from all of them regardless of which one you chose to test with.

So, for example, if I tested with then on their website I can only find matches with other people that tested with them. However, if I upload my raw DNA data to gedmatch, I can now find matches that tested with 23andme and Family Tree...and I can do this for FREE.

(PLEASE NOTE: Even though Gedmatch is a free site I do recommend becoming a Tier 1 subscriber for $10 whenever you can so that you can help the site continue to run since as we all know, nothing is free. Everything costs somebody something and there are great volunteers behind the scenes that make this all possible. Each $10 gives you access to additional helpful tools for a month at a time.)

Gedmatch Login screen
To get started, you want to go to and register. There are some videos on YouTube that explain how to use gedmatch if you need help. Its pretty simple. If you have any trouble, please comment below and I will try to assist you.


...until next time...

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